Bands composers Glam hit singles Marc Bolan Music performers photography

Dr. Strange: Marc Bolan and T. Rex.

Marc Bolan was the founder, guitarist, songwriter, vocalist, and sole constant member of the English band T. Rex, a group renowned for sensuous grooves and cryptic lyrics chock-a-block with innuendo. When Bolan appeared on Top of the Pops with glitter makeup, the glam era was officially underway. The vocalist also had a memorable way with ballads, as the above performances demonstrate. Most of all, of course, he was The Groover.

Country Music Elvis Presley Gospel hit singles Music music videos photography

Elvis P: The King.

Elvis Presley ended up mastering a great many styles and genres, including Gospel, Country/Nashville, Ballads, and…Rock & Roll. An astonishingly dramatic, charismatic, riveting performer, right up to the end.

Note: Elvis is seen above by gospel god and idol James “Big Chief” Wetherington.

Bands Gospel hit singles Music music videos

Gospel and Such.

“Very Great” moments in Gospel music, throughout history.

composers Guitarists hit singles Music music videos Norman Greenbaum photography

Spirit in the Sky.

A few notes from Wikipedia: Norman Greenbaum: If you ask me what I based “Spirit In The Sky” on … what did we grow up watching? Westerns! These mean and nasty varmints get shot and they wanted to die with their boots on. So to me that was spiritual, they wanted to die with their boots on.

“I had to use Christianity because I had to use something. But more important it wasn’t the Jesus part, it was the spirit in the sky. Funny enough … I wanted to die with my boots on.”

“According to The New York Times article, Greenbaum used a Fender Telecaster guitar with a fuzz box built into the body to generate the song’s characteristic guitar sound.”

Greenbaum daringly defies any and all Anti-Hand-Clapping ordinances in the above performance, and Ms. Hagen takes a commendable swing at the immortal song, as well.