Animal Photography Animals Canine Photography Canines dogs King Photo-Editing Photographers photography


My buddy Daniel with his much beloved companion, King. This individual, this Truly Great King, a canine of untold powers, was recently re-united, and very justly/happily so, with the gentleman pictured, who happens to be another remarkable living being. But we here speak of Dog-dom; King is, quite simply, not your regular-type dime-a-dozen-er; an awe-inducer of the highest echelons, he leaves countless slackened jaws in his wake.

King II
King VI
Note small, white Lurker at the Threshold: Sparky.

King rightly ascends to the very Summit of Things, with his faithful, dogged confrère Dan with him all the way.

Audio French Bulldogs GIFs Gymnastics Kohei Uchimura Morrissey Music music videos Opposing Indigenous Beliefs Sly Stone sport The Cult videos

The Sly Stone. And The Cult. And……..

Jay-Z: Izzo

A catch-all potpourri.