Charisma finger pointing GIFs Hand Usage Ian Anderson Jethro Tull Music music videos Singers videos vocalists

The Ian Anderson, and the Tale of Jethro Tull.

Ian Anderson XXI

Thaumaturge, wizard, vocalist/performer/showman supreme. Mr. Ian Anderson, and his idiosyncrasies.

Ian Anderson II - Flute Wielding and Thrusting
Ian Anderson III - Ritual and Big Finish

Note: Revised 7/31/2019.

Actors Actors of Greatness Film Tom Noonan TV Wolfen X-Files

The Tom Noonan.

The great (and quirky) character actor Tom Noonan, in 2 of his finest performances: in Wolfen; and in The X-Files episode Paper Hearts. There might be some Robocop 2 activities, as well. Perhaps also a jot of 1986’s Manhunter. Ok, 4 of his finest.