Commercials Humour incredibly strange music Music music videos photography

This Crazy World.

Mrs. Miller: Mary Jane.
Bill Bailey, Won’t You Please Come Home.
The Mark of Precision.
Little Rug Bug: Rod Rogers.
John F. Kennedy Was Called Away: Norm Burns.
Leona Anderson: Rats in my Room.

So. We’ve got Andy Devine, John Daker, Hap Palmer, Telly Savalas, Arthur Brown, Mrs. Miller, Industrial musicals, H. R. Pufnstuf {featuring Jack Wild}, Leona Anderson, Charles Bronson, and The Wombles {the creation of pop svengali Mike Batt}.

Addendum: Recently added are immortal performances by James Brown, Eric Violette {Free Credit Report commercial}, and two from Beat of the Traps {Song Poems}.

Added Addenda: The inclusion of Zwol, ME Pearl, Shatner, and the indomitable Bobby Conn. And, of course, Takeo Ischi. Erlend and Steinjo, yo, also.

All of which falls into/under the Certain Kinds of Things rubric.

Actors Andy Kaufman comedy Commercials Directors Orson Welles Welles and Kaufman

Welles and Kaufman.

Mark Rudolph portrays the great Orson Welles in the above videos; the audio is an authentic tape of a Welles commercial rehearsal, however. Andy Kaufman *is* Andy Kaufman in the subsequent clips, which revolve around the comic performance artist’s involvement with wrestler Jerry Lawler.