Audio George Baker Selection Heino Music Paloma Blanca

The Mighty Power of Paloma Blanca.

George Baker Selection – Original.

George Baker Selection – Newer, Hipper version.


Slim Whitman.

Nina   & Mike.

The Spanish Caribe Hits.

Patricia Lavila.

Morelli and Napoli.

George Baker Selection - Paloma Blanca
heino great hits 5

Conceived, composed, and realized by George Baker, Paloma Blanca soared to the skies upon its release in 1975, and has been covered by many since—yes, even/especially by Heino. But it is Johannes Bouwens {Baker} himself who is synonymous with this iconic piece.

Germans Heino Music music videos Paloma Blanca performers Singers vocalists


Paloma Blanca!

Heino, born Heinz Georg Kramm, is a legendary, iconic figure in the world of German music. Rousing pop versions of traditional songs became his trademark. And…he has a certain…something, all his own.

{Note: Revised 7/7/2019}