Actors Directors Film Gary Oldman Jean Reno Natalie Portman photography Predators Psychopaths

LΓ©on, the Professional {1994}.

LΓ©on, the Professional, is a brilliantly twisted and complex film focusing on the relationship between a good-hearted yet ruthless hitman, the young girl who comes under his guidance after her family is massacred, and the sociopathic DEA agent Stansfield, who performed said massacring. A certain houseplant also plays a significant role. Jean Reno and Natalie Portman are both exceptional, and Gary Oldman renders forth a truly iconic performance as the depraved, mercurial, cunning, pill-popping Stansfield. Each character has their own internally consistent moral code. Luc Besson directed this fascinating, haunting, offbeat, darkly comical film.

Elvis Costello finger pointing Gary Oldman GIFs Hand Usage Marc Almond Morrissey Scott Walker Syd Barrett

The Usage of Hands, and Variants.

David Bowie IA
Elvis Costello - Finger Pointing III
Gary Oldman - Mozart - Hand Usage II
Jarvis Cocker - Hand
Marc Almond I
Morrissey - You Shut Your Mouth II - makeagif
Scott Walker - Hand Usage - 4
Syd Barrett - Why Can't You See III
Gary Oldman - Mozart - Hand Usage

Extraordinary, nonpareil Usage of Hands/Finger Pointing by some of the greats.

Ian Anderson II - Flute Wielding and Thrusting
Ian Anderson III - Ritual and Big Finish

Pointing. Cranium-circling. Thrusting. Jabbing. Ritualistic. Improbable. All are to be found.

Actors Actors of Greatness Film Gary Oldman LΓ©on The Professional Psychopaths videos

The Gary Oldman.

{Note: Massively Revised 7/8/2019}

Gary Oldman, in a titanically twisted, iconic, canonical, epoch-defining performance, portrays psychopathic, corrupt DEA agent Norman Stansfield in the film LΓ©on, The Professional. Stansfield really gets down to some serious malevolent weirdness in the above video scene with would-be DEA agent-slayer Mathilda (Natalie Portman).  He calmly interrogates the young lady in ways that would bamboozle, unnerve, and intimidate anyone in human history. Throughout, the crazed but {mostly} composed DEA agent manages to be one moment menacing, the next pleasantly conversational. Stansfield presents an enigmatic, occasionally humorous, malevolent-ly inclined figure. Quite unforgettable.

In The Fifth Element, Lost in Space, and True Romance, he displays the ability to simply do anything he wants as an actor. All 3 roles are quasi-humorous/sinister, but in entirely different ways. Masterful.