Actors Actors of Greatness Anthony Hopkins Film Hannibal photography

Hannibal {2001}.

Ridley Scott‘s psychological thriller Hannibal features Anthony Hopkins, Gary Oldman, Julianne Moore, and Giancarlo Giannini, who all turn in memorable performances. Stylishly directed by Mr. Scott, this film features some seriously dark humor to both lighten yet enhance the considerable sense of dread. Masterfully done by one and all.

Actors Actors of Greatness photography Police Procedurals

Prime Suspect.

This gripping police procedural details the travails and triumphs of Jane Tennison (Helen Mirren), and features chilling perpetrators, such as George Marlow (John Bowe) and Milan Lukic (Oleg Menshikov).

Actors Actors of Greatness Film Humphrey Bogart photography

The Maltese Falcon {1941}.

This film noir from John Huston features Humphrey Bogart, in a truly iconic, star-making performance, and the great Sydney Greenstreet, in his debut on the big screen. Peter Lorre, Mary Astor, and Elisha Cook, Jr. are also all brilliant, with the latter portraying the “Gunsel” (a term author Dashiell Hammett snuck by the Powers That Be).

Actors Actors of Greatness photography TV videos X-Files

X-Files: A Potpourri of Great Moments.

Iconic scenes from Pusher, Elegy, and Jose Chung’s From Outer Space. Featuring Robert Wisden, Nancy Fish, and Charles Nelson Reilly.

Music music videos Neil Young photography

Oh! Canada! {part 12}: Neil Young.

The truly great Canadian singer/songwriter, the “Godfather of Grunge”, and master of delicate, deeply personal folk, Mr. Neil Young stands unquestionably as a titan of countless genres of music. Since his early days with Buffalo Springfield, and throughout his later peregrinations both with and without Crazy Horse, Young has embodied the restless spirit of a true creator. The above represents but a smattering of indelible performances by this singular artist.