Actors Actors of Greatness CSI Doug Hutchison Obsession photography Police Procedurals Predators Psychopaths TV videos

CSI {Part 3}: Stalker.

Slightly off-kilter character actor Doug Hutchison was THE *perfect* choice to play CSI Nick Stokes’s rather creepy antagonist in this episode of CSI, season 2, episode 19.

Actors Actors of Greatness Criminal Masterminds CSI Geniuses Paul Millander photography Police Procedurals Predators Psychopaths serial killers TV videos

The CSI, part 2: Paul Millander.

Actor Matt O’Toole gives a remarkable, bravura, iconic performance as serial killer Paul Millander, invoking dread, menace, yet some sympathy (of a sort…) as well. Highly intelligent, and courteous, with a traumatic youth-hood, to put it mildly, Millander nonetheless is that most threatening of characters; always he seems to have the advantage.

Actors Actors of Greatness epoch-defining photography Sci-Fi Star Trek TV videos William Marshall

Trek {Star}: Vol. 2.

Three of the Highest Echelon: The Ultimate Computer; Where No Man Has Gone Before; and The Man Trap.

Towering genius Dr. Richard Daystrom, in the midst of further un-understanding, plans to “show” Leonard McCoy—plans to show everyone, in fact—and delivers, in his stentorian manner, a powerfully declamatory oration, all the while teetering on the very brink of sanity/insanity. 

In trying earnestly to persuade the well-nigh legendary (and Great) M5 Multitronic Unit (which displays its textbook Uncompromising Stance) to do, and to not do, certain things, the mighty and almost eternal Dr. Richard Daystrom begins an ill-fated rumination on his life and work, and the all-too-prevalent injustices therein. A last, desperate, titanic, paradigmatic, æon-defining manifestation of wild grandiosity brings with it predictable results. 

Mr. Spock (Leonard Nimoy) and Captain Kirk (William Shatner) employ a potent cocktail of chicanery and subterfuge to subdue the solitude-defending archaeologist, Professor Robert Crater (Alfred Ryder). They proceed to interrogate him vigorously, mainly/entirely concerning the whereabouts of his wife.

Gary Mitchell leaves little doubt of his seriousness—he is most certainly *not* joking—with Lee Kelso. He then ruminates, with ever-increasing wonder, about his newly found, awesome, and steadily burgeoning powers. Gary Lockwood delivers a masterful performance as the metamorphosing Mitchell.

Actors Actors of Greatness Star Trek TV videos

The Trek {Star}: Vol. 1.

Mighty and Iconic Moments in Star Trek, television, and Human History. Space Seed, The Way to Eden, and Arena.

Actors Actors of Greatness existentialism Hawaii Five-O Police Procedurals TV

Five-O {The Hawaii}: Part 3.

The great Barry Bonamo, V for Vashon, Blind Tiger, and (arguably) The Most Existential Moment in Human History are featured.

Don’t miss the earlier 5-O posts: One, and Two.

Actors Actors of Greatness Hawaii Five-O Police Procedurals TV

Five-O {The Hawaii}: Part 2.

Indelible Moments from the episodes Odd Man In, and The Devil and Mr. Frog.

Actors Actors of Greatness Film Paul Bettany Poetry Terminal TV videos

These Fragments I Have Shored…

These Fragments I Have Shored Against My Ruins…


Hieronymo’s Mad Againe…

Paul Bettany displays simply towering talent in his portrayal here of serial killer Ted Kaczynski. Such examples of the following phenomenon are not without precedent, but they are rare fowl indeed. The Phenomenon: Bettany manages to be more Unabomber-esque than the Unabomber himself. Sure, it’s not possible; but this seems to pose little hindrance. Like G. Oldman as Stansfield, Olivier as Christian Szell, and Brando as Lee Clayton, Bettany simply has that much power to spare. It is rare indeed that a performance can truly be categorized as iconic…but the word applies fully in this situation. Incredible mastery. I find it haunting, in any number of ways, to this day. Indelible.

Actors Actors of Greatness Christoph Waltz Directors Film Photo-Editing Tarantino videos Westerns

The Christoph Waltz.

The great Christoph Waltz, Two-Time Academy Award winner, shows some of his inimitable what-have-you.

Actors Actors of Greatness Blacula Film photography Predators Vampirism William Marshall

The Blacula.

William Marshall

The great William Marshall, with his stentorian delivery, and dignified/exalted bearing, brings much to the table in these two films. Thalmus Rasulala, Pam Grier, and Don Mitchell also excel, Rasulala in 1972’s Blacula, and the latter two in Scream, Blacula, Scream, from 1973.

Marshall was a Shakespearean actor, who portrayed the lead character in various productions of Othello to great effect. A formidable 6’5″ with a deep basso profundo register, Marshall carried with him a dignity and a regal demeanor. In a review, Harold Hobson of the London Sunday Times praised Marshall’s portrayal as “the best Othello of our time.”

{Revised with Full Intensity 7/6/2019}

Actors Actors of Greatness Film Geniuses Maestri Marlon Brando One Eyed Jacks Predators Psychopaths The Missouri Breaks videos Westerns

The Marlon Brando.

Amazing how Marlon B could so casually convey supreme menace from situations which are hardly synonymous with same.

Sheer, unnerving menace…from the confines of a bubble bath.

Unreal hand speed and devastating power with either hand, whilst bestowing epithets and disposing of tables.

And, of course, his iconic performance in The Godfather.

The truly great Marlon Brando, appearing here in The Missouri Breaks, One-Eyed Jacks, Apocalypse Now, The Godfather, Free Money, and The Island of Dr. Moreau. One of the supreme practitioners of his art, ever to stride across the earth.