Audio Belgian Geniuses French Geniuses Geniuses Gilbert Bécaud Gilbert Becaud Jacques Brel Music music videos Rod McKuen Scott Walker Singers videos vocalists

Belgian and French Geniuses.

Belgian maestro Jacques Brel seemed to set new standards for utterly authentic, godlike intensity, every time he took the stage; he seemed possessed, magical. He also created some of the greatest songs of the last century. He served, lastly, as a huge influence to aspiring songwriters/performers…not least of all, Scott Walker. {I included Scott doing “Fils de” at post’s end} A true titan.

Gilbert Bécaud. Monsieur 100,000 volts. A truly powerful performer, few {none}{Brel…??} could outdo The Creator. On the above Seul, Gilbert gives an intimate, and increasingly euphoric, reading, culminating in {playful} pianist-shoving and back-slapping, and finally, in blissful embrace, of himself. Monsieur 100,000 Volts was a marvel. Nathalie, perhaps his best-loved composition, could provoke the assembled multitude in Stravinsky-esque ways.

Jacques Dutronc.
Claude François.
Mr. Rod McKuen.
McKuen! “Natalie”.
McKuen! “Come, Jeff”.
Scott Walker: “Sons Of” {Fils de}

Revised: Massively. 7/6/2019.

Titans of Belgian, French, and American Performing. Jacques Brel. Gilbert Bécaud. Serge Gainsbourg. Jacques Dutronc. Claude François. And, of course: The Rod McKuen.